We had breakfast on ship - their excellent French Toast and then it was wait until our "color/number" was called to go on shore. We disembarked at the end of the ship and had to walk to the front of the ship to go into a warehouse to pick up our luggage by the end of the ship. Then back to the front of the ship to get on a bus for the airport. Quite a hike.
At the airport we grabbed a sandwich, didn't have to wait long to board the airplane to Atlanta. We heard because of the bad winter weather in the northeast that some connecting flights would be effected. Sure, this was all we needed. I checked flights on my phone which showed we would get into Atlanta and leave for Florida at the same gate which lead me to hope it would be the same plane. Turned out to be true thankfully.
The flights were actually early by a few minutes arriving, but it was midnight in Orlando when we got there. We got our luggage, rode the waiting van to our car and drove 1 1/2 hours to our motorhome arriving at 2:30 AM. We didn't bother to take luggage inside or even connect the water. We used bottled water to wash and brush our teeth and were asleep by 3:00 AM.