We finally had nice weather - all day. Perhaps this is a turning point.
Today we worked six hours, it was a wild morning just getting organized. The campground will be full for a couple days so we had to figure out where to put people to try to make most people happy. Then the challenge was how to translate our organization to the people who came in after us. The man was sure he had a better plan, just couldn't match his plan to real life! He wanted to be in charge for sure, just not the IQ. I had to turn away a big motorhome and the man about split his jeans he was so sure I was making a mistake, so I said "fine, tell me where to park him". No answer.
Meanwhile the usual phone calls, store sells, propane sells and Don had many small jobs all of which needed to be done right away. It was good to walk away at 1:30 and say it is all yours now, do with it what you will.