Saturday, January 31, 2015

Panama Canal

Our ship went through three of the Panama Canal locks then out into the lake where some people got off the ship for tours.  Later we went back through the three locks and to the city of Colon where we picked up the people on the tours.  Don and I had lunch at a restaurant that has fresh pizza, very good.

We spent a lot of the day walking around the ship and viewing the locking process.  

For dinner in the evening there was gazpacho again!  Also it was the evening for one of the Princess 50th anniversary chocolate desserts.  It was round cheesecake on a chocolate slab covered with white chocolate and decorated with a with chocolate cup decorated with dark chocolate.  

Friday, January 30, 2015

Cartagena Columbia

The ship stopped in Cartagena Columbia today.  We stayed on board as we had been there before.  We got one major thing done – the laundry.   The ship’s laundry was all but empty with so many people on tours so no waiting!  It was English Pub day which means fish and chips at one of the small restaurants.  They were very good.  After dinner we went to a singing/dancing show in the big theater.    We went back to our cabin and watched on TV a talk we had missed earlier on the Panama locks.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Another day at sea

Day at sea again!  I got to sleep in – 30 minutes.  After breakfast we went to a talk on the upcoming places we are going to visit – Cartagena and Costa Rica.  Then lunch, I had an excellent fish taco.  We have had decent people to eat with recently.  We have talked to several people who have experienced the Iowa hog farmer that we ate with early on; one woman must have gotten cornered by him.

Dinner was surf and turf (Pawns).  Then we went to listen to a male soloist who was fair and afterwards to Irish Pub Night which was cute.

Inside the Coral Princess

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Aruba day

The ship stopped in Aruba today.  We got up early so we could get something to eat before going on a 8 AM trip.  First a bus took us to a boat which took us out in a bay to get on a semi-sub.  We went down into the lower level of the boat to sit by a window – we saw many fish and a ship wreck.  We were down there longer than I would have liked, was getting to feel a little ill. 

From there we went by bus to the “California” light house which is a high point on the 19 mile island.  Then it was to a natural bridge area and on to a giant rock area.  It turned out to be a 5 hour trip.  Good to get back to the air conditioning on the ship.  We got some sun and ocean spray.

Don wanted a Sunday for dessert at dinner, he got what they call a volcano (and not on the menu).  It was half banana slices stood up in ice cream all covered in whipped cream with sprinkles on top.  He ate it all!

In the evening we went to a magic show, it was OK – not great.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Second day at sea

Second day at sea – after breakfast we went to a talk on Aruba.  The man giving the islands talks is very good as he has lived in the area most of his life.  He has good photos, maps and charts.

Today was the gazpacho day.  I also had a stuffed green pepper for lunch. 

In the evening we watched the movie on the top deck (outside), it was Guardians of the Universe.  

Monday, January 26, 2015

First full day of our cruise

Thankfully the ocean has been calm, hardly can feel the ship’s movement at all.  After breakfast we went to an introduction to the Panama Canal.  The presenter was born and grew up in the “Canal Zone” so he was very knowledgeable about the area.   Afterwards we had lunch in the dining room, we had a man at our table that the only thing in his life exciting was his military experience.  He dominated the conversation even though people tried to change the subject. 

We spent the afternoon around the ship, spent some time in the sun.  We ate an early dinner hoping to be done by the 7:15 production show in the Princess Theater.  By the time we got to the theater  it was standing room only so we hung around in the Atrium and went to the 9:30 show.  It was Motown, OK performance.

We had interesting people at our dinner table.  One couple recognized us from a cruise we had taken four years ago.  I was thinking they looked familiar but couldn't quite place them.  Was good to have a meal with good people.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

On the ship!

We got up at 5:30 AM to get ourselves ready to leave and close up the motorhome.  Breakfast at McDonald's then on to Ft. Lauderdale.  With the aid of our car GPS and Google maps on my phone we made it to Park n Go to leave our car and ride their bus to the cruise port.

Then it was a long winding walk, screening, sign-in and finally to our cabin.  Soon it was time for "the unlikely event" that the ship had a problem and we had to hit the drink drill.  Soon after the ship left the port.  Afterward we unloaded our suitcases and got settled.

We went to dinner about 6 PM and sat at an interesting table of 10 people.  I took forever to order our dinner as many people had to order wine and beer.

Three couples were nice and interesting but the fourth couple was right from the backwoods of Iowa.  And of course he wanted to dominate the table.  He is a hog farmer and wanted to relate to all of us about his work.  We learned about manure, artificial insemination, etc. Great dinner conversation.  We also found out Pres. Obama is a terrorist.

Dinner was good, we had prime rib.  I had a shuffle for dessert, Don had ice cream.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

All set, I hope

It's b

Been a long day.  I woke up with a stomach ache, Don was at the clubhouse helping prepare breakfast and I was going to get so much done while he was gone.  Instead I laid on the sofa for an hour until I felt better.  Then I jumped into finishing the packing.  So many odds and ends to take care of, I just hope I have what we need.

After taking such care to get the clothing ready in the end it was smash it down in the suitcase.  We'll see how it looks tomorrow when we unpack.

Like I predicted we need one last trip to Walmart, going out to eat tonight so will stop.

Panama Canal 

Architect:John Findlay Wallace, John Frank Stevens (1906–1908), George Washington Goethals
Location:Isthmus of Panama
Details:The American Society of Civil Engineers has named the Panama Canal one of the seven wonders of the modern world.

Friday, January 23, 2015


Packing!  I had a hard time getting started but went fast when I did.  I still have the little stuff to find and pack and need to wash another load.

We went to Dade City to eat at Captain D's.  We picked up a DVD "Two Faces of January", it was OK but a bit slow.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Getting ready!

I am starting the cruise packing by getting ready the clothing.  Some of it was packed away and wrinkled so I rinsed those items in my washer and dried.  My way of ironing as actually ironing hurts my back a lot.

We had dinner at the clubhouse, lasagna, etc.  Was good but upset my stomach like MSG does.  I usually can eat lasagna so they must have added something.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


We went to Brooksville today to get hair cuts and a little shopping with pizza for lunch.  This is the week we are getting ready to leave for an upcoming cruise.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Actually a slow weekend.  We brought in Chinese and watched the movie "Walking in the Cemetery" which was good.  Sunday was the same old read the papers, ice cream social and grill some steak.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Daughter on TV

Brenda was on TV today!   She is at a NASA conference at the Houston Space Center.  As a part of the conference she attended a news conference with the astronauts who are going to spend a year in at the International Space Station.  After several questions the moderator said "Brenda Peick has a question", they didn't put Brenda on TV right away.  I yelled at the TV and then she came on, I was able to take a screen shot.

I am anxious to hear the details of her day, I'm sure it was exciting.  I am a bit jealous.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Exercising the motorhome

Today was the day to take the motorhome out for a ride.  We hate to let it sit for 6 months as the diesel motor needs to be raved up, gears moved and tires moved.  It is a big job - getting ready we have to go through the whole moving routine such as putting everything away, anchoring stuff down, etc.  Then reverse the project when we get back.

We stopped for a diesel fill and a propane fill, needed about 15 gallons in both tanks.  The whole process took about 1 1/2 hours from our sit back to our site but much more time to prepare and set back up.  Just good to get it done!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Saturday in the Park

A nice, but cool day.  Don helped prepare breakfast at the clubhouse.  I helped eat the breakfast - they had potato cakes, scrambled eggs with veggies and mushrooms and Canadian bacon.  Different than the usual fare.

We ate at Beef O'Bradys for dinner and rented the DVD "November Man" which we enjoyed.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Clermont for lunch

Today we went to Clermont, FL to the Escapees chapter luncheon. there was a big crowd - about 70 people.  We sat with the exact same people we sat with at our park Ice Cream Social last Sunday.  We go 40 miles to visit with the same people.

Afterwards we did some shopping.  We have been having cool weather - not as bad as north, but cold if you live in an RV.  It is cold to get up in the morning!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Trip to Tampa

Today we went to Tampa, ate lunch at Sweet Tomatoes.  It is always good but hard to not eat too much.  Then we went to Camping World for a couple things followed by a stop at Parksdale Farms for some fresh vegetables.  It was a very nice day, sun but not too hot or humid.

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Saturday we went to Wildwood to Steak 'n Shake for dinner.  On the way back we stopped at a Red Box and rented the show the Equalizer.  It was good, fast paced.  Should all the movies we rent be so good.

Sunday was a usual day of breakfast out and then reading our two Sunday papers.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


New Years Day!  Even though we stayed up a little late we had to get up at the usual time thanks to Don.  We watched - off and on - the Rose Bowl Parade and then went for a 2 PM dinner at the clubhouse.  They had pork chops with dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, black eyed peas, glazed carrots, Cole slaw, corn bread and cake.  Lot to eat, I should have not taken the potatoes - hardly ate any.  The pork, black eyed peas and corn bread are southern New Year's fair along with greens which someone at our table brought and shared.  Everything means something, eat greens means money.

Then nap time.  Of course my MH dryer decided this was a good time to not dry well.  Don took it apart and cleaned out inside the dryer, plenty of lint.  He has to do this about twice a year.

If the weather would clear it would be nice, warm and humid now.