Got the RV ready to move at 7 AM today but found out that the extended warranty company hadn't yet approved the transfer switch replacement $1200. And of course they were closed today because of bad weather in North Carolina where they are located. The RV place wanted us to stay put for awhile in case there were questions.
We left about 3 PM for our site at Sumter Oaks. It had started raining and got even worse when I had to direct Don into the site. All went well but for awhile we thought the transfer switch was not going to work at all, finally did.
Later we got the call that the extended warranty company approved the repair. They have to order the part which will not be in until Friday or later. We will have to go back next week, I am so excited.
I am also very tired, didn't sleep well with all the strange noises. Many big diesel motorhomes moving around at all times. It is like a auto cross with motorhomes in the morning. Big time diesel noise, air being let in and out of the air bags, squeaking brakes, etc. We just add to all this noise. We had parked on each side of us motorhomes which are the maximum size - 44 feet long. Made our 40 footer seem puny.