We went to Sam's Club to get the Honda tires balanced. Don was called back as all four tires have an area were the tread is cut. Looks like we ran over something sharp. We don't know when or where so need to check the motorhome to see if it's tires are cut as well as we might have been towing the car when it happened. For sure we need new car tires, Ok to drive around town for awhile but don't want to head south without replacing.
We went to the Farmers Market, this time in Rosemount and then got some tacos to celebrate Taco Tuesday.
When we pulled up in the driveway a truck followed us. I thought it was some kind of salesperson, probably satellite TV. It was Ron, the Home Owners Association manager. I had requested when we moved in to have the sidewalk by the front door raised as it had sunk about 4 inches. Ron told us a contractor would be pumping concrete in that area and in front of the garage to bring both up to level.
Been there, thank goodness for knee replacements!