Sunday, May 31, 2020

More protests and more riots

Sheila came for a visit.  Brenda and Scott are taking a long weekend in Bayport,  WI.  It was a nice day!

The protests and riots continue.  I have no problem with the peaceful protests but rioting to destroy property services no purpose but to make people mad at the very groups for whom they are rioting.  It appears that Minnesota had fewer problems than other places.  Trump went into his safe bunker while Biden went out to the crowds.

We grilled some bacon wrapped steak we had in the freezer along with sweet potato fries for dinner.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Nice day at last

Our new neighbors started moving in today.  Looks like they have plenty of help.

The protesters continue to march.  The state has all kinds of plans to prevent riots and burning tonight, I hope it works. 

It was a nice day, but on the cool side.  We got Chinese food from HyVee for dinner, good as always.

Friday, May 29, 2020


We ate breakfast and then went to HyVee for groceries so we would be home when the construction crew arrived.  It was good timing as they arrived just after we got back, they just had a couple final things to do so were here only about 30 minutes.

It is a good time to shop HyVee as there were few people there; however we could hardly get to the coolers to get what we wanted at they were loading them.  Plenty of Handicap parking places.

Don met our new neighbors but can't remember their names!  We got salads from Panera for dinner and then watches the first episode of Space Force on Netflix, think it will be a fun show. 

The news is overwhelmed by the violence in Minneapolis and St. Paul.  Destroying property is taking the protest too far, most people have no sympathy for those who protest in this matter.   Peaceful protesting gone amuck.  The news channels say over 100 people are professional protesters/rioters that come from other places. 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Construction at our place

They did start our deck project today.  They said they would be here at 9 AM and finally made it at 11:30.  Like I told Don, that's construction people for you (having grown up in a construction family).   They did get almost done, needed some more wood and will finish tomorrow.

We made a quick trip to Walmart for a few things, otherwise stayed home for the day.  Had frozen pot pies for dinner.

Hard at work replacing the deck rail.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


We decided to have a professional redo the railing on our deck, some of it was rotting.  Don was determined to do the work but I finally talked him out of that job.  We had a man give us an estimate which seemed Ok to us, he said 6 to 8 weeks until he could start.  When we gave him the go-ahead he said he could start tomorrow, there were problems with another job.

We had "Impossible Cheeseburger Pie" for dinner, another recipe from the past.  Then watched some more of Schmizs Creek.  Kinda dumb.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Slow day

It's like we are waiting for rain, all day looked like it could happen any second.  We finally sat out on the deck for awhile, then it started to rain.

A slow day, got some reading done and some odd chores.  I can't even remember what we had for dinner, must have been forgettable!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day

Memorial Day.  It is meant to honor the fallen military but is also a day to remember relatives and friends that have passed.  When I was a child it was called "Decoration Day"  we would put flowers on family graves.  Then my family would travel to an Aunt's house not far from Devils Tower and have a picnic with other family members.  The kids would talk someone into a ride to Devils Tower and then we would walk/run around the big monolift, climbing on the huge rocks along the way.  (Later on some of the kids could drive so we would all pile into their car.)

Today was a slow day.  I would look outside and it would be raining and then a few minutes later sun, repeat.  We got KFC Chicken for dinner - I announced I was not cooking, suppose to be a holiday.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sunday at home, as usual

Like an usual Sunday morning we watched the Today show followed by Meet the Press and then read the Sunday newspapers.

Sheila came over for a visit in the afternoon. 

We grilled some steak for dinner, along with Sheila's beer bread, salad and wine.  Then we watched some more of the Hollywood series.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Rain, Arby's and Hollywood

It rained on and off today but got into the 70's.  We did stuff around the house.  Brenda came over for a visit in the morning, she brought along her dog, Java.

Finally got out and got sandwiches at Arby's.  We had rubines and mozzarella sticks.

We started watching the series Hollywood on Netflix.  Kind of slow, we will see if we want to continue.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Watch what you click on!

Today we went to HyVee for a few groceries which of course grew into a few more.  I spent time on the computer trying to get it back to normal after Don clicked on a website which he should not have used.  Finally got it cleared out, I think.

We got salads from Panera for dinner, always good.  We watched the movie on Prime "Late Night" which was so so, seen worse.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Perking better!

We went to Walmart today.  I got a new coffee pot which actually perks a full pot in 10 minutes instead of 30 minutes like the old one.  I got a different brand which hopefully will be better and not clog up with lime like the old one.

Also got some groceries and other stuff.

We got Taco salads in the eatable bowls from Taco John's for dinner.  They were good!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Plants and friend from the past

Today we went plant shopping again.  We went to Cub Foods and found a nice gerimum but nothing else caught my eye.  When we were leaving a woman said my name, she had sunglasses and a mask on so I had no idea who it was and had to ask.  Turns out is we were good friends way back and had lost track of each other.  First thing she told me was that she had to put her husband in a care facility in March as he has alzheimer's.  She got to visit him four days before they closed to visitors because of coronavirus.  We agreed we need to have a long conversation on the phone.

We then went to Fleet Farm, they seemed to have a very good selection of plants and I bought a gerbera daisy plant. a patuina pot and a impatient pot.   They look nice on our deck as long as our aggressive squirrels stay away from them.

Waffles for dinner.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Blinds and blindly eating

We went back to Home Depot to look at blinds again.  Don had the window measurements this time but somehow they didn't seem right and didn't match up to any blinds.  So he went home and measured the blind on the window, that made more sense.  We also looked at plants, but none seemed to be what we wanted.

I made Don's favorite casserole, Tater Tot Hot Dish.  He ate it so fast I'm not sure he noticed, no comment from him bad or good.

We watched on Netflix the movie " Love, Wedding, Repeat"  fairly stupid.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Slow perk

The sun paid us a visit today, good to know it is still up in the sky.  We cleaned the house as usual, now we are good for a week.

Our coffee pot perks so slowly.  I tried vinegar, that didn't help. So I found some super coffee pot cleaner, didn't help.  I'm sure it is clogged up with lime from the water.  Looks like we will be shopping for a new pot as we can't always wait 30 minutes for a pot to brew.  This is the second on of this brand I have had to retire, need to get another brand maybe that will help.

We brought home shrimp dinners from Perkins.  Their shrimp is very good.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

More rain

Still raining this morning but finally in the evening it stopped.  We needed the rain, I hope the grass will be nice and green now!

Daughter Sheila came over for a visit in the afternoon and Brenda called in the evening.  We watched some TV, not much left on regular TV anymore.  Then we each did some Sudokus, a main for of our entertainment.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Rain, rain

It rained most of the day.  We needed the rain but hate the dark and damp weather.  We stayed home all day for a change! 

We grilled (in the garage) brats for dinner and watched the movie "Laundromat" with Glenn Close.  Not really what we expected but it was interesting.

Friday, May 15, 2020

HyVee twice

We went to HyVee today, for once we didn't buy too much - just picked up their specials.  They were out of some things as well as the spray cleaner and dishwashing pods I want.

Again a nice day.  Good to be outside!

Don went back to HyVee in the evening to get us Chinese Dinners, our favorite place for that.  We finished television the series "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel"  (unless they make more shows, they left it open).

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Walmart today

We went to Walmart in the morning, always get more than we think we will.  They were out of the spray cleaner I use and dishwasher pods (the brand I like).

The weather is slowly getting better!  Good to see sunshine!

For dinner we again had a recipe from the past.  It was good, might try it again soon.  Don liked it better than last night's dinner, but he is not about to complain.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Cleaning cupboards again

Again I am cleaning, today I did the shelves where I store my ever growing plastic wear and under the sink, always a dirty area.

We went to Fleet Farm this afternoon.  They have everything from food, clothing to cow medicine!  I got some nuts and trail mix.

I fixed what I call gulaush for dinner, not Don's favorite but I like it.  He can take over cooking if he complains.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Cleaning, shopping and eating

This morning I cleaned out a couple storage places, I'm not sure the last time they were cleaned as there was a lot of junk in one especially.  Don was afraid that I was throwing out too much as it was such a big pile, so he went through the junk and agreed with me.

In the afternoon Don was going to Menards and Home Depot home stores so I went along.  I didn't go into Menards but did go in Home Depot as they have a good selection of window blinds and I'm looking for some for the front window.  I did find one option, but expensive.  Lots of people at both stores.

I was going to fix dinner but Don had a coupon for Perkins that expired today.  It was for hamburgers and pie.  Don had apple pie and I had French Silk pie.  Good hambugers, lots of stuff like onion rings on them.

Monday, May 11, 2020


Clean the house day again.  Just good to get it done! 

We got chicken from KFC for dinner, good for a change.  A nice day but too cool to be outside for long.

With daughter Brenda a her last summer wedding.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day

We went to our daughter's home for dinner.  First time since mid March that we haven't eaten at home.  Was good to have dinner companions!  They had a couple kinds of pasta and a couple kinds of sauce.  I brought salad and our other daughter brought home made bread sticks and dessert.  Made for an excellent meal with excellent company.

Our daughter brought her little dog, Java, to "play" with Lexi a reterviver.  At first they didn't know what to think but then they got into playing chase with each other.  There was a lot of barking, some loud and bold and other soft but sincere. 

Daughter's gave my nice Mother's Day gifts!


Saturday, May 9, 2020

At least no snow.

A cold, rainy day.  We were lucky we didn't get snow.  We stayed home.

Had leftover soup for dinner.  Not an exciting Saturday at all----

Friday, May 8, 2020

Wrong way!!!

We went to HyVee grocery store today.  They have one way rows (to keep people apart) and I kept going the wrong way rather than go around when I wanted something in that row.  Don, in a gruff voice, called it to my attention - like I didn't know - so I backed up in the row the next time.  At least my cart and I were "headed" in the proper direction. 

There was a cold wind today, didn't have proper wraps on but when I put away the winter coats I said they were not coming out again until Fall.

I made vegetable soup for dinner.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Old recipes

Today is our granddaughter's 23 birthday!

We went to Walmart and some other shopping.  Before we went I made a casserole for dinner that has to sit at least 4 hours.  I'm digging up some of my old recipes!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


The last nice day for awhile, seems we are going into the polar vortex!  I cleaned some more cupboards,  still have more left to do.

We got dinner from Perkins, Don had his usual - shrimp and I had turkey which was good.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Happy Cinco de Mayo

Today I started to clean kitchen drawers and cupboards.  I can't reach the top shelves so they will remain dirty or I need to get Don to help.  It has been awhile.  I found some dated things, the oldest was a box of baking soda dated 2007, I sure it would have made great biscuits - flat.

For dinner I fixed French toast and bacon and we continue to eat the cauliflower I got last week.

Monday, May 4, 2020

May the Forth be with you!

The Force was not with me today.  I jammed up the computer and my phone at the same time.  That is not easy to accomplish!

We got the house cleaned and some stuff put away.  I fixed tuna casserole for dinner, not Don's favorite but he has to eat is once-in-a-while!

Sunday, May 3, 2020


Our daughters came for a visit in the morning.  Always good to see them.  In the afternoon Don went to Menards, he said he just beat the rush.  I stayed home.

He also went to a grocery store for a couple things and brought home some corn-on-the-cob for dinner, it was very good.  We also had grilled smoked pork chops.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Power washing

Don power washed the deck, both wood and concrete parts, also the air conditioner and the siding where it was green with mold.  The decks sure look nice!  He also got out the patio furniture so we are all ready to go out but now it has cooled down.

We got pizza for dinner, had been awhile.

Friday, May 1, 2020

May Day

I used to fix May Day baskets for kids, a nice tradition that has gone away.  When I was a kid I would get baskets from family and friends filled with candy!

We went to HyVee today, didn't need much but still good to get out.  No one was following the directional arrows, I tried.  Was a nice day to be outside.

I fixed some fish and garlic toast for dinner.