Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Nice, but slow day
The day started out with bright sun but by 10:30 had turned cloudy. We stuck around home except to go get KFC Chicken for dinner.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Dark, damp Monday
Cleaning the house once again. We have to turn on lights to see what we are doing as it is dark and stormy outside. It started storming and raining last evening, kept it up all night and all Monday morning. In all we got over 5 inches of rain.
We had waffles for dinner and watched the last episodes of Schitt$ Creek. Good ending but left some room for more shows.
My Day Lilies in the rain
We had waffles for dinner and watched the last episodes of Schitt$ Creek. Good ending but left some room for more shows.
My Day Lilies in the rain
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Tech problems solved and unsolved
We went out for Sunday breakfast for the first time in months. Came home and started to read the newspapers when our daughters came for a visit. Brenda tried to help me get Disney+ on the TV to no avail. Sheila helped we with the "dire warning" on my new computer. Turns out it wasn't dire at all and I got chrome loaded. Still have more to set up but at least on my way.
We finished the newspapers in the afternoon and grilled steak for dinner. Watched the Sunday news shows in the evening.
We finished the newspapers in the afternoon and grilled steak for dinner. Watched the Sunday news shows in the evening.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Dire warning
Lazy morning drinking coffee. Finally Don activated me to do some stuff.
In the afternoon I started to get our new computer set up. Right off I ran into problems. It told me my passwords were wrong and when I went to change them to the old ones, I was told I couldn't use the previous password. Then loading, I ran into a dire warning and was afraid I would wreck my entire software if I went farther.
Finally I just quit and took something for my headache. We got dinners from Perkins for dinner and watched some Netflix.
In the afternoon I started to get our new computer set up. Right off I ran into problems. It told me my passwords were wrong and when I went to change them to the old ones, I was told I couldn't use the previous password. Then loading, I ran into a dire warning and was afraid I would wreck my entire software if I went farther.
Finally I just quit and took something for my headache. We got dinners from Perkins for dinner and watched some Netflix.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Panera twice
We went to Panera's for bagels and coffee this morning. They had tables marked which were OK to keep people apart. Then off to HyVee for groceries.
I have so much tech stuff to do that I did none. I did try once again to get Disney+ on our TV, my new computer is waiting to be activated. The new camera is waiting for an SD card then I will have to get it going.
Back to Panera for dinner to bring home. We signed up for their "free" coffee for the summer, so we also picked up a couple cups of decaf.
I have so much tech stuff to do that I did none. I did try once again to get Disney+ on our TV, my new computer is waiting to be activated. The new camera is waiting for an SD card then I will have to get it going.
Back to Panera for dinner to bring home. We signed up for their "free" coffee for the summer, so we also picked up a couple cups of decaf.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Delivery and delivering
A beautiful day! We have various packages to be delivered today again. Yesterday we got the camera we ordered. It needs a SD card, wish that had been mentioned in the camera description. (Guess I should have known.) I have a couple mini cards but they wouldn't work. So now we are waiting for a SD card to be delivered from Amazon.
My first Kohl's order of two weeks ago is finally all delivered. Wondering if they really want my business. Now I have a second order to wait for delivery.
We had a few stops to make when we were out today. First to our insurance office to deliver proof that Don had taken the safe driving course, then to Home Depot to get a blind for our bedroom (I'm a little leery of the color, we'll see) and then to HyVee to mail some things, take a suit in for cleaning and pick up Chinese dinners.
My first Kohl's order of two weeks ago is finally all delivered. Wondering if they really want my business. Now I have a second order to wait for delivery.
We had a few stops to make when we were out today. First to our insurance office to deliver proof that Don had taken the safe driving course, then to Home Depot to get a blind for our bedroom (I'm a little leery of the color, we'll see) and then to HyVee to mail some things, take a suit in for cleaning and pick up Chinese dinners.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Eating out!
For the first time in 3 1/2 months we ate in a restaurant - Perkins. We had their famous potato pancakes. They were very good and they always have great coffee. They had people at about every other table, no condiments on the table and paper menu's.
Then a quick run to Walmart for a few groceries. It is a beautiful day out.
We had a hamburger rice casserole for dinner, again not Don's favorite but when he won't give my any clues as to what he wants to eat - he gets what I fix.

Then a quick run to Walmart for a few groceries. It is a beautiful day out.
We had a hamburger rice casserole for dinner, again not Don's favorite but when he won't give my any clues as to what he wants to eat - he gets what I fix.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
This is daughter Brenda and Scott's 1st Anniversary. It is also National Flamingo Day!
Don did some paint touch up on the deck rail, now it is done but he still needs to stain the floor.
I had long phone visits with niece Laurie and High School friend Carolyn. Good to catch up with them.
Being Taco Tuesday we brought in tacos for dinner.

Don did some paint touch up on the deck rail, now it is done but he still needs to stain the floor.
I had long phone visits with niece Laurie and High School friend Carolyn. Good to catch up with them.
Being Taco Tuesday we brought in tacos for dinner.
Monday, June 22, 2020
House cleaning day again, now it is done for another week baring any emergencies.
We had French Toast for dinner as we had some eggs we needed to use. Also had the remaining rhubarb pie.
We had French Toast for dinner as we had some eggs we needed to use. Also had the remaining rhubarb pie.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Father's Day
We went to daughter Sheila's house for a Fathers' Day brunch. We had omelets with all many ingredients to choose from and other delicious food.
Brenda's husband Scott found out he doesn't have covert 19 but pneumonia. So Brenda came to the Brunch with her puppy Java. Scott stayed home to recuperate. Java and Sheila's dog Lexi had a good time chasing each other in the yard!
We grilled pork chops for dinner and had rhubarb strawberry pie which Sheila had given Don.
Brenda's husband Scott found out he doesn't have covert 19 but pneumonia. So Brenda came to the Brunch with her puppy Java. Scott stayed home to recuperate. Java and Sheila's dog Lexi had a good time chasing each other in the yard!
We grilled pork chops for dinner and had rhubarb strawberry pie which Sheila had given Don.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
True stories
We sat around a long time this morning drinking coffee, watching TV news and reading. Then we did a few things around the house, not an eventful day. I finished reading "Dare to Fly" by Martha McSally - a true story. Amazing what some people achieve in their lives!
We picked up sandwiches at Arby's for dinner, Don got a free one for Fathers' Day! We then watched "Rocket Man" the story of Elton John. Was fairly good.
We picked up sandwiches at Arby's for dinner, Don got a free one for Fathers' Day! We then watched "Rocket Man" the story of Elton John. Was fairly good.
Friday, June 19, 2020
Nice day today but humid from all the rain. We went to HyVee for groceries. Wearing the masks made my already sines headache worse, but I kept the mask on until I happy removed it in the car.
We picked up cod dinners at Casper's, they were very good but too much food!
Brenda called me to let me know that her husband Scott most likely has covid 19. He was exposed a few days ago. He will go in for a test tomorrow. We hope he gets well soon.
We picked up cod dinners at Casper's, they were very good but too much food!
Brenda called me to let me know that her husband Scott most likely has covid 19. He was exposed a few days ago. He will go in for a test tomorrow. We hope he gets well soon.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Pizza and rain
We went to Walmart for groceries and other stuff. Not many people there, I guess the threat of rain made them stay home. No rain yet! We picked up hamburgers at McDonald's for lunch.
We got a pizza for dinner, there were storm clouds but the rain held off until after dinner. Then we had a lot of lightening and thunder and a good amount of rain. Nothing sever.
We got a pizza for dinner, there were storm clouds but the rain held off until after dinner. Then we had a lot of lightening and thunder and a good amount of rain. Nothing sever.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Let it rain tomorrow.
Didn't rain like forecast, delayed until tomorrow. We did stuff around the house. I read and did a couple Sudoku in the afternoon.
We grilled brats for dinner and had some leftovers.
We grilled brats for dinner and had some leftovers.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
I called my health insurance company to see why they didn't fully cover my doctor bill. (First visit with this doctor.) The first person I talked to (after going through a long sign in process) kept putting me on hold. He started asking me the same questions a second time and finally hung up on me. I called back and thankfully got a different person. I told her not to put me on hold. Again I had to give her all the information and finally she told me I was in "phase one" of my coverage. I asked her why the doctor bills have always been paid in full - less my co-pay - in the past. She said next time it would be paid in full. Makes NO sense. I'm just talking about $35 here, but I pay for the insurance and they should pay as agreed upon. I knew this would be a challenge. So I went on-line and used their "chat" system where I was given the only logical answer - the doctor hadn't renewed her contract with my insurance.
Don continues to paint the railing of the deck, now with the tip coat. He finished that and sanded off some splatters on the deck floor. The stain will need a couple days to fully dry, it is suppose to rain tomorrow so he will wait.
We had Chicken Kiev for dinner.
Don continues to paint the railing of the deck, now with the tip coat. He finished that and sanded off some splatters on the deck floor. The stain will need a couple days to fully dry, it is suppose to rain tomorrow so he will wait.
We had Chicken Kiev for dinner.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Another Monday
My least favorite day of the week, housecleaning. The good part is once it is done I don't have to think about it for a week, except the weeks seem to go by so fast!
We had leftovers for dinner - not exciting but easy!
We had leftovers for dinner - not exciting but easy!
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Sunday at home
Don got breakfast from McDonald's, I like that as well as anything. We read newspapers and watched the Sunday news shows on TV as usual. Brenda and her puppy Java came for a visit in the afternoon. Sheila came in the evening, she had a bridal shower to attend in the afternoon.
We grilled ham for dinner and had a salad and baked potato.

We grilled ham for dinner and had a salad and baked potato.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
I have been putting orders in Amazon and Kohl's for stuff. One thing is face masks that are cotton, hopefully they will be of better quality than the paper ones we have.
In the morning it rained on and off so putting the top coat on the deck railing was out. It was nicer in the afternoon and Don did get a lot of painting done. We had food from Panera for dinner, Don had a salad and I had half a salad and a Cuban sandwich.
In the morning it rained on and off so putting the top coat on the deck railing was out. It was nicer in the afternoon and Don did get a lot of painting done. We had food from Panera for dinner, Don had a salad and I had half a salad and a Cuban sandwich.
Friday, June 12, 2020
Face masks
We went to HyVee for groceries this morning. Turns out the big lot of face masks we bought don't hold together, cheap. Another nice day - good to be out.
Later Don went to Menards, I stayed home. In the evening he went to HyVee for Chinese dinners.
Later Don went to Menards, I stayed home. In the evening he went to HyVee for Chinese dinners.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Working on deck again
Beautiful day, sun, no rain, low humidity. Don finished painting the primer on the deck. I sat outside for awhile. We went to Walmart for a few groceries, not many people in the store.
We had tuna salad for dinner. Another one of the meals Don isn't wild about, maybe sometime he will let me know what he wants to eat!
We had tuna salad for dinner. Another one of the meals Don isn't wild about, maybe sometime he will let me know what he wants to eat!
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Loss of hair
Big day for us - we got hair cuts. It has been four months and now finally the hair salons have reopened!!! We signed in online and had a 88 minute wait, stayed home until about time. We had to spend a few minutes in the car but then they were ready for us. We lost a lot of hair!
I fixed tuna spaghetti for dinner. Not Don's favorite but when he won't suggest any meals we eat what I want!
Don before haircut and after---

Me before haircut and after---

I fixed tuna spaghetti for dinner. Not Don's favorite but when he won't suggest any meals we eat what I want!
Don before haircut and after---
Me before haircut and after---
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Rain, no rain
Still hot and humid but not as bad as yesterday. The AC ran on and off all night, also turned on the ceiling fan which helps a lot. Lots of rain was forecast for the evening, we just got a sprinkle.
We did things around the house. Had Camper Eggs for dinner (scrambled eggs with pepperoni and mushrooms, cheese on top). We always had them back when we weekend camped.

We did things around the house. Had Camper Eggs for dinner (scrambled eggs with pepperoni and mushrooms, cheese on top). We always had them back when we weekend camped.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Hot old Monday!
If it's Monday it's clean the house day. Not my favorite day but good to get it done and not have it hanging over me for a week!
Hot day was mid 80's by noon, got up to 96 degrees and humid. A good day to have a air conditioner! I feel sorry for those who don't especially at night, sleeping would be difficult.
We decided it was too hot to fix dinner so had KFC takeout. They have stepped up their game, the food is very good now.
Hot day was mid 80's by noon, got up to 96 degrees and humid. A good day to have a air conditioner! I feel sorry for those who don't especially at night, sleeping would be difficult.
We decided it was too hot to fix dinner so had KFC takeout. They have stepped up their game, the food is very good now.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Our Anniversary
Our wedding anniversary today. We stayed home, had a visit from Sheila. A hot and humid day thanks to last nights rains.
Read the Sunday newspaper and watched the Sunday news shows.
We had smoked pork chops, salad and baked potato for dinner.
Read the Sunday newspaper and watched the Sunday news shows.
We had smoked pork chops, salad and baked potato for dinner.
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Anniversary dinner a day early
Don finished putting primer on the deck rail. Now for a good day to do the painting!
Tomorrow is our anniversary so we decided to celebrate today by getting prime rib dinner from a local restaurant. It came with a large salad, Al gratin potatoes and French bread. Was a lot of food and very good!
In the evening we got some thunder storms coming through. Seemed to last for a long time.
Tomorrow is our anniversary so we decided to celebrate today by getting prime rib dinner from a local restaurant. It came with a large salad, Al gratin potatoes and French bread. Was a lot of food and very good!
In the evening we got some thunder storms coming through. Seemed to last for a long time.
Friday, June 5, 2020
National Donut Day
Today we went to HyVee for a few groceries. Don worked on putting primer on the deck rail so he can paint it later. It was a hot day to be outside, I stayed inside.
We got salads from Panera for dinner.
At last a day for Don:

We got salads from Panera for dinner.
At last a day for Don:
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Hot Thursday
This morning it was off to Walmart, we didn't need much but worth a trip. We stopped by UPS to send back the Amazon package and also a quick trip to Aldi's for a few more groceries. Aldi's was all boarded up, we thought for a second it was closed but it was boarded because of the riots although they didn't make it to our area thankfully.
It was a nice, hot day - a little humid. We had our air conditioner on for just a little while. I fixed a chicken pasta dish for dinner.

It was a nice, hot day - a little humid. We had our air conditioner on for just a little while. I fixed a chicken pasta dish for dinner.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Sheila's birthday
Sheila's birthday today!
Back to Menards. I decided overnight I really didn't like one of the gifts I had gotten from Amazon for daughter Sheila's birthday and had seen a good substitute at Menards yesterday. Two trips to Menards in two days is unheard of for me!
I had a doctor visit - over the telephone as they don't want people in the clinic unless absolutely necessary. She answered my questions and prescribed my meds. Much easier than going to the clinic.
Son-in-law Ken fixed a good dinner at their home for Sheila's birthday. It is good to have other people to visit with at dinner!

Back to Menards. I decided overnight I really didn't like one of the gifts I had gotten from Amazon for daughter Sheila's birthday and had seen a good substitute at Menards yesterday. Two trips to Menards in two days is unheard of for me!
I had a doctor visit - over the telephone as they don't want people in the clinic unless absolutely necessary. She answered my questions and prescribed my meds. Much easier than going to the clinic.
Son-in-law Ken fixed a good dinner at their home for Sheila's birthday. It is good to have other people to visit with at dinner!
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
We went to Menards home store today. I hadn't been there sense last December. I enjoy seeing what they have. They are moving in October so seem to be letting some stock decrease. We picked up hamburgers at McDonald's for lunch (to eat at home of course). I wrapped gifts for Sheila's birthday that I had purchased from Amazon. I hadn't taken them out of the box until now and found I was not pleased with one item so will need to decide what to do.
Brenda's puppy Java got shamed today.
Love her expression!
Brenda's puppy Java got shamed today.
Love her expression!
Monday, June 1, 2020
June 1, 2020
June begins!
We did our usual Monday work around the house. A slow day otherwise. We had leftover Chinese food from last Saturday. Then we watched some TV.
We did our usual Monday work around the house. A slow day otherwise. We had leftover Chinese food from last Saturday. Then we watched some TV.
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