We decided to venture out 20 miles to Cracker Barrow for breakfast. Their web site indicated 0 wait time so we registered on-line. When we got there we were told it was a 10 - 15 minute wait. We were waiting by the restaurant entrance when a woman came and told us we couldn't stand there (it was not blocked off), we asked where we could stand, she said the other side of the store in not so polite of a tone. We looked around the store some and they called our name in about 15 minutes. They put us two at a big table, but from there everything was good. Love their food, but probably will not go back for awhile. (When we came out people WERE standing by the door.)
Our daughters came for a visit in the afternoon. Always fun to catch up on their activities, at least someone has a life!
It rained on and off in the morning, cloudy in the afternoon and finally clearing in the evening.
Miracle, we got our Sunday newspaper after letting our subscription run out and then resubscribing at a lower rate. Not only did we get the paper (delivered at the end of our drive) but it was double bagged so dry.
We grilled some ham for dinner and had corn-on-the-cob and a huge salad with cucumber and green pepper.