Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween!

 We didn't have any Trick or Treaters at our door.  This is the first time we have been home on Halloween so I don't know if there are just not any kids around or if they are staying home because of covet 19.  Anyway we have some little candy bars for ourselves!

For dinner we stayed home and had some salmon that we had purchased yesterday.  It was all ready to bake in the oven so not a difficult meal.  Watched some TV and turned our clocks back an hour for the end of Daylight Savings Time.  So it will be light in the morning when we get up but dark early, around 5PM.  I would vote to keep DST all year around. 

Friday, October 30, 2020

Bagels, hamburgers and frozen custard!

 We had bagels at Panera for breakfast and then went to HyVee for groceries.  The had 10% off everything today so we bought a few extra things!  I expected a big crowd but there was the usual amount of people.  

Politics is still taking over the TV, I as well as most everyone else will be glad when it is over.  The news people are saying there may be rioting and protests depending on who wins the presidency.  How sad, one of the foundations of the U.S. is a peaceful transition on power.

We went to Culvers for a hamburger for dinner and had a dish of their chocolate almond frozen custard with salted caramel and pecans on top.  Really good!

Thursday, October 29, 2020


 Today we went to IKEA!  We hadn't been there for almost a year due to the covid 19.  They had taken the time they were closed to change things around.  Lots of new displays and a new path through the store.  We bought Unicef Christmas cards, a plastic plant for a vase I have, a spatula, Sylt Lincon (jam), ground coffee and cookies.  

There were not too many people there so we could distance ourselves, everyone had masks on.

In the evening we had leftover tater tot casserole and some pie Don bought at Walmart.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Potato pancakes and Tater Tot casserole

We went to Perkins for their great potato pancakes then to Walmart for a few things.  

I made Don's favorite meal for dinner - Tater Tot casserole. 


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Insurance - time to pick a policy for next year

 We had a quick change of plans for today as a representative from a insurance company was coming today to talk about his policy.  We had somewhat checked into the policy so had questions for him.  It looks like we may be changing policies.

We picked up tacos for dinner and watched some TV.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Pecan Waffles

 Once again my hated Monday.  It is my day to clean the house.  About half the job is picking up stuff and putting it where it belongs!  I guess cleaning the house is better than Monday's I had to go to work before I retired.

It is a cold day, I didn't even stick my nose out.  No snow for a change.  This week's weather is suppose to warm up to normal 50 degrees on Saturday, I don't believe it.

We had waffles for dinner.  We put in some pecans that we had purchased at Fleet Farm yesterday. (Still wasn't as good as Waffle House pe-can waffles.)  Then we watched some TV that we had recorded.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Busy Sunday

 We went for breakfast at Denny's.  The server knows where we sit and what we order.  She keeps our coffee cups full and checks back often.  Wish all servers would take a lesson from her!

Despite a little snow (what's a day without snow anymore) we went to Fleet Farm.  Fleet Farm has it all from groceries, medicine, clothing, home repair to medicine for animals.  A fun place to visit once-in-awhile!  They had Christmas stuff out amongst lawn care items.  Not much Halloween stuff left.  We mainly went for nuts and trail mix (and my chocolate clusters) - they have the best verity and best prices.

Sheila came for a visit in the afternoon.  I discouraged Brenda from coming as she has a long trip and one never knows how the highways will be in the snow.  We heard there were 200 wrecks so glad she stayed home but we would have like to see her!  Another time!!!

We had some bacon wrapped steaks to grill not realizing it might be too cold.  Don did grill them on the outside and we finished them in the house.  Steaks, salad and leftover beer bread was dinner.  We finished the Sunday newspapers and the political shows on TV.  Like everyone, we will be glad when the election is over and the TV is not overwhelmed with the ads.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Slow Saturday

 Like most Saturdays it was a slow day.  We did accomplish a few things around the house.  

For dinner we brought home salads from Panera.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Finally we are out

 We hadn't been out since Sunday.  (Don made a few trips to the mailbox.)  So today was our day to get out for sure, the forecast was for no moisture from the sky.  So I opened the blinds and sure enough it was snowing, fine snow but coming down fast.  It wasn't sticking on the street so decided to go anyway.

We went for a bagel and coffee at Panera and then to Walmart.  From there to HyVee and since the place where we get our haircut is by HyVee we decided to get badly needed hair cuts.  It was lunch time so we went to McDonalds for a hamburger to bring home.

The snow was coming from the north so anytime we walked north it hit us in the face, could hardly see sometimes.  The car was coated but still not causing any road problems.  

We decided to make it a triple eating out day, Don got salmon dinners from Perkins to bring home.  They were very good.

Thursday, October 22, 2020


The weather wasn't supposed to be too bad today so we were thinking of going out to run some errands, but we had freezing rain for starters.  About 9 AM it got very dark, there was thunder and lightning, the sky turned orange - very eerie.  More freezing rain hitting our windows making it sound like someone was throwing sand on them.  We decided today, once again, we would stay home.

Yesterday when looking for the soup I had come across a Beer Bread mix.  It was way past its use by date but it sounded so good I decided to give it a try today.  Just had to add a can of beer!  It turned out very good and as a bonus our house smelt good and the oven warmed the kitchen.

We had beer bread along with chicken kiev and a salad for dinner.

In the evening we watched the second presidential debate.  I was afraid it was going to be as chaotic as last time but it was much better.  Still Trump wanted to say a lot more, he had to control himself is hard for him.  Most all people have their minds made up and many have already voted so this debate was too little too late.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Another nasty weather day

 Another nasty day, decided to stay home again.  Soup sounded good for lunch so I checked my cupboards to see it I had any and found five cans of Progresso.  Then while I was looking for crackers I found four more cans of Progresso, so guess we are all set for soup for awhile.

This is my third day of staying home, think I need some fresh air.  

Checked the freezer for dinner, we had frozen pot pies that had been there for a long time.  That was dinner.  

Peanuts shows will not be on regular TV anymore, sad some already rich company has to take control of them:

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Snow and more snow

 Snowed and then snowed some more.  We got about 9 inches, the most ever for this date.  It kept us home as we were going to get hair cuts but decided no use taking a chance on the slick streets.  Turns out there were about 600 accidents and 500 vehicles in the ditches in the metro area.  

We did the stay at home deal:  read, did sudokas, took naps, and watched the snow pile up.

For dinner we had leftover Chinese food from last night.

We watched the movie Hocus Pocus, a cute, funny Disney Halloween movie.  

Monday, October 19, 2020

Winter in October

 Cleaned the house again.  It doesn't get that dirty, the floors always need attention but otherwise the job is getting stuff put where it belongs.

We got snow on and off all day.  It didn't stay on the streets but attached to the evergreen tree branches.  Made it look like winter.

I noticed an email from HyVee with Monday specials, one special was Chinese food so Don went to HyVee to get that for dinner.

Fall meets Winter:

Sunday, October 18, 2020

News and more news

 We tried a new place for our Sunday breakfast out - Valley Cafe.  It is a small place, family owned.  I had an omelet and it was very good, eggs fluffy and lots of filling.  Don had bacon, eggs and toast.  The bacon was better than most places.  Good we got there on the early side, it was full when we left.

Came home to read the Sunday ads and then watch Meet the Press. It was a particularly good show today.  The guests, regardless of party, were straight forward.

Our daughters along with dog, Java, came for a visit in the afternoon.  Then we finished reading the newspapers.  Don grilled some pork chops, it was almost too cold to grill.  In the evening we watched Face the Nation and recorded Saturday Night Live.  Enough politics for awhile!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Slow Saturday

 Slow Saturday.  A good time to get some things done that hang around waiting!

We got pizza for dinner.  We had enough "points" that we got the pizza for free!  

Watched "Judy", a movie about Judy Garland.  It was good.  Seems child actors live to lead a sad life.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Flu shots

 Bagels at Panera this morning.  The place was very busy, some people couldn't find a table as every other table is blocked due to the virus.  Then we went to HyVee, first we went to get our flu shots.  There was a line and we were told it would be 30 minutes.  By the time we got their form done and they got it into the computer we were called in to get shot.  Don had no problem with his shot but my shot started hurting my whole arm as we shopped for groceries.  There were a lot of people waiting after us, I heard them say the wait was at least an hour.

Again I used one of their electric carts.  I almost hit a older woman who was waiting for a flu shot.  I really felt bad but she wasn't upset.  Someday I will have the cart driving mastered, by then I hope I don't need one.  The carts at HyVee and Walmart drive differently so need to adjust my driving.

We got some snow today, just a light dusting which melted quickly but who wants to see snow already?  A week ago it was 80 degrees.

Don fixed dinner, he is getting better at this but needs to expand his menus!  I would not think of complaining, anyway it was good.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Stay at home Thursday

 Stayed home today.  Don picked up dinner from Panera and we watched some TV.  The political "Town Halls" were on TV but we decided not to watch as we will hear all the highlights (or lowlights) later on the news.  We have voted so whatever they have to say will not change our voting.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Chilling in MN

 Perkins this morning for potato pancakes.  Now the server there knows what our order will be, we are getting to be well known at restaurants!  Than we went to Walmart.  I hadn't been inside for three weeks so I got a electric cart and picked up some things I have been needing.  The only person I about took out was Don.  He should know not to stand in my way!

It was a nice day and we know the last somewhat warm day for a long time.  Just so it doesn't snow, which it will.

For dinner we had leftover roast beef in the form of sandwiches on toast with gravy over, or commonly known as Hot Beef Sandwiches.  (Some people around Minnesota call them "Commercials", I don't know why.)  We watched two more episodes of High Seas on Netflix.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

New Menards!

 This morning Don went to the new Menards Home Store for the first time.  He says it is huge and an nice store.  I hope to go soon.  He also took our old, old computer to Best Buy to be recycled.  They first take out the hard drive and it is smashed.

It is our daughters and son-in-law's 30th anniversary today!

I fixed roast beef in the crock pot along with potatoes and carrots.  Was a good meal and we have leftovers for tomorrow night.

We watched some superhero movie on Disney + last night.  I am not really into superheroes but it was OK.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Second week in October

 We got the house cleaned, still hard to do on my sore foot.  I pay for it in pain the rest of the day.  

One thing I didn't need to do was fix dinner so we got chicken from KFC.  It wasn't as good as usual, I hope that is not a sign of their future food!

Was a nice day and we know that nice days are coming to an end sadly.  

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday in MN

 We went for breakfast at Denny's, had been three weeks since we had been out for Sunday breakfast because of my foot problem.  The server always remembers exactly what we want, food, coffee, cream, etc.  Don stopped at Menards (old store, they are moving to a new store), he couldn't find what he wanted.  Everything was picked over.

Daughters Sheila and Brenda came over in the late morning.  Brenda brought her puppy, Java.  We had a good visit - I always enjoy having them visit!

For dinner we grilled some pork chops (were 88 cents each at HyVee).  They were very good.  Don had picked up some corn-on-the-cob somewhere and with a salad - that was dinner.  Then we watched our recorded "Saturday Night Live" show, it started out all about the vice-presidential debate and of course the fly that landed in Pence's hair.  

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Slow Saturday

 A slow day, good to get some things done.  Still hard to walk and stand on my sore foot so some things just have to wait.

We had leftover Chinese food from last night for dinner.  I had bought some egg rolls so we heated up a couple.

In the evening we watched the first episode of The Right Stuff.  I have read the book and seen the movies so why not watch the TV series!  

Friday, October 9, 2020

Top 10 weather day

 We went for breakfast at HyVee and then did our grocery shopping.  Once again I used an electric cart as my foot is still a problem.  Had to apologize for my driving a couple times but didn't hit anyone!

It was a very nice day and the trees have mostly changed colors so good to be out and about.

For dinner it was back to HyVee for their Chinese dinner to take home.  Always good and it had been awhile!

While trees change in MN, not in Florida:

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Panera and Walmart

 We went to Panera for bagels this morning and then Don went to Walmart for a few things.  We continue to laugh about the "fly" jokes from last night's debate.

We fixed frozen fish for dinner and watched some TV.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Podiatrist, Perkins, Debate

 Today I finally got into see the podiatrist.  He removed the dead skin from around the blister and cyst on my foot and bandaged it up well.  The only thing I can do now is try to keep off my foot as much as possible (?) and wait for it to heal.  It is a long walk from the car to his office, usually there are several wheel chairs in the lobby but none today.  People were complaining as there are also many other specialists in the building.  One elevator was not working so people were lined up to get on the working one, one person at a time.  The woman ahead of me invited me to join her saying she was not sick, I said I wasn't sick either so got on with her.

We went to Perkins for dinner, haven't done that in a long time.  I had salmon and it was delicious.  In the evening we watched the vice-president debate.  It was not as chaotic as the presidential debate but bad enough.  Pence could not stop talking - then there was the fly that landed in Pence's hair.  Lots of jokes about that today!

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Call and chicken

 A long time friend, Kathy, called in the morning.  We had a long chat and got caught up on things.  Good to talk to her.  I read and did puzzles in the afternoon.

Don fixed some frozen chicken and noodles for dinner.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Clean house

 House cleaning day.  I hadn't done my part for three weeks so decided to suffer the foot pain and get the dusting done, clean the kitchen and bathrooms.  I hurt for the rest of the day BUT the house was clean.

I made waffle batter and Don cooked the waffles for dinner.  

Sunday, October 4, 2020

News Sunday

 The skin covering the huge blister on the bottom of my foot came off causing the foot to be even more painful.  So again we decided to forgo eating Sunday breakfast out and just had our bagels.  Watched the  Sunday News Shows and in the afternoon we finished reading the Sunday Newspapers.

Sheila came for a visit in the morning, we had a good discussion of events of the last week - the debate (if you can call it a debate) and of trump's Covid 19 virus.

Brenda called later to say the had returned from their Black Hills trip.  I could tell she was tired.

In the evening we watched Saturday Night Live that we had recorded from yesterday.  Some good skits!

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Slow Saturday

 We did our usual TV, read, sudoku, not much else.  

For dinner we brought in Panera food and coffee (free) and watched some TV.  We watched the movie "Wilde Wedding"  with Glenn Close.  It was fair, think we can find something better next time.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Corvid 19 and trump

 We had breakfast at HyVee today.  Always good.  They are doing some work in their restaurant which will make it more of a fast food place but they will also have menu service.  I don't really understand how they will handle the two but we will see.  Then we shopped HyVee.  I used one of their electric riding carts.  I have never done that as I always figure I need the exercise of walking but with my sore foot it was the cart or not shop.  It worked out fine.

The big news of the day was that trump had contacted the Corvid 19 virus.  While I hope he recovers, I look at it as Karma.  All this time he has told his followers that the virus isn't real, not worn a mask, not socially distanced, maybe now he will have a different outlook.  Maybe his followers will have a different outlook.  Doubt it but maybe.

Don brought in Rubien sandwiches from Arby's for dinner.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

October 1

 A stay at home day.  Always something to be done!  It has really gotten cool outside, frost was predicted for last night but doesn't look like we got any.

Don picked up dinner from Perkins.  We like their shrimp dinner so that is what we had.