Today I had my eye doctor appointment. I had it on my calender for 10 AM, got there and was told it was at 11 AM. Then I realized that I had made the appointment in the eastern time zone so the calendar changed the time. So we went to Target to by pop, which we didn't buy. We bought plenty of other stuff, usual case at Target. Finally back to have my eyes checked. All is fine, seeing good, eyes in good health.
The mover rep came in the afternoon to evaluate what we have so it can be moved out when the house is under repair in January. I had planned to pack most of the stuff myself but he convinced me to just pack what I wasn't comfortable having other people pack like the stuff in the china closet. They will take pictures and return items to where they were, even hang pictures!
I made a pot of Chili for dinner, a good meal on a cold day.