We have the week all planned out as we leave Friday for South Dakota. Today was get hair cuts. I woke up feeling fine, started making the bed and something in my back slipped causing extreme pain. But of course I finished making the bed, taking a shower and getting dressed. I took ibuprofen and sat with the heating pad on my back for about an hour while drinking coffee. Still hurt but not so bad so off we went to the place we get our hair cuts only to find they had moved. Turns out it was in the same area, different strip mall. They have all new furniture, etc. looks very upscale and nice.
Good news is my cellulitis hasn't spread, ankle still swollen and somewhat red.
Made it home for another shower to get the loose hair off and then crashed.
In the evening I noticed the cellulitis had spread up to my knee on the back of my leg. My back started feeling worse, probably from a long day. Not a happy person when I went to bed.
Roses Don gave me for our anniversary: