Friday, March 25, 2022

The end.

 After some thought I have decided to discontinue my Blog.  We rarely do anything exciting or interesting so it makes it hard to find something to write about!!!

 Back to packing.  The worse part - pills, lotions, odds and ends.  I know I will forget something and the loss will be all my fault.  After practically demanding air conditioning, Don finally gave to go ahead arond noon.  (I am not suppose to touch the thermostat).

I got mostly done around 4PM, just odds and ends and then things like our Covid test results and luggage tags to print out.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Negative, which is positive

 Today was our official Covid tests prior to cruising.  They are proctored online by someone probably in Asia.  The tests went well and we both passed - tested negative.

So we made a quick trip to Walmart to get some things.  I packed like crazy when we got home.  It was hot and I started feeling bad but pushed through.   Somehow I didn't meet the criteria for air conditioning.  I got the clothing done but not the "stuff".

Watched Olympics again when I was awake.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


 If I only knew if we were cruising.  This covid test two days before one boards the ship is crazy (even if I can see why they require it).

We have been watching a lot of the Olympics.  Amazing how these athletics can do what they do!

We had orange chicken from the freezer for dinner - cleaning out!

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Another cold night

Starting to get ready for the cruise even though we won't know for sure until tomorrow that are Covid tests are negative.  I moved the office stuff from the plastic folder that had come apart into the new one while shorting through to get rid of the old.

It was a cold night, down to 37 degrees but we are told that will be the last of the cold.  Heard that before!

I made "goulash" for dinner.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentines Day

 Another cold night, I am beginning to think it is the furnace that is causing my allergies.  Today I took one of the free government Covid tests and it was negative!  Hopefully the tests we take for real on Wednesday will be negative so we can cruise.

Cleaned the house, later we were able to open up and get some fresh air inside.

We had pulled pork sandwiches for dinner.  Talked to Brenda later.

Valentines flowers from Don - also our 58th anniversary of our engagement.