Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Brooksville again

We went to Brooksville primary for hair cuts.  Also did a little shopping and had lunch at CiCi's Pizza for free - we Cici's cards were completely punched.  We picked up sandwiches on the way home for dinner.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Polly's Perfect Gifts

Today I went to lunch along with seven other women to Polly's Perfect Gifts, a "tea room" in Wildwood,  FL.  It was written up in the newspaper and sounded like a fun and interesting place for lunch.  I was disappointed, perhaps I expected too much.  I ordered a quiche which came with a very small green salad and a little dish of Cole slaw on the plate.  Everything was the same temperature - I am a sticker for having hot things HOT and cold things COLD.  It was $9.95, overpriced for what I was served and the raspberry ice tea was $3.59.  Our order was taken and our food served in good time, but that was the last we saw of the servers (owners) until we finally got their attention for some more tea.  One woman ordered dessert which she never received.  18% tip was added as we were a large group, I definitely would not have given over 10%.  We eight had a table for ten and before we were done a couple was seated in the two remaining chairs at the end of the table.  The staff had to push around us to get the them.

This may be the last time for Polly's Perfect Gifts.

The visiting was fun, it was a good group and I enjoyed that part on this hot and humid day.

Friday, February 22, 2013


Friday already, were does the week go?

Don dod site clean-up and leaf pick-up today.  It was getting hot out by the time he was done.

We went to the clubhouse dinner of spaghetti  salad, garlic bread, and cake. Good.  A couple women showed their pictures from their trip to Australia   The pictures were interesting and they did a good job, not too many pictures and not to few.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


We went to Tampa today and did the usual:  ate at Sweet Tomatoes, did a little shopping including Camping World and then went to Parksdale Farm for fresh fruit and vegetables   We loaded up again so we are good for awhile.  The place was packed because of the Plant City Strawberry Festival   I don't like crowds so I was glad to get out of there.  A man got between Don and me at the checkout and would NOT let us get together so I not so politely handed Don the stuff I picked up around the man.

Brenda's birthday is today!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

At last

At last I am done cleaning all the drawers, cupboards closets, etc. in the motorhome.  A lot of stuff went to the trash and the good stuff to "the table" in the clubhouse (where people leave things they can't use for others to pick up if they can use and put a little money in the cash box which is then spent on activities).  Part of the process was just to find things which I did, some things I forgot I even owned.

I would LOVE to clean the outside bins but that is Don's territory and he won't let me near them.  I just hope we aren't driving around too much junk!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Breakfast out, read papers ----

Ice Cream at the Clubhouse and dinner.  That sums up our Sunday.

It was near freezing last night and suppose to be around freezing tonight.  We brought the flowers inside and covered the planted ones.  This is as cold as it has been this winter and I like it better than the hot and humid!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

This is the second day of rain, we need the rain but I like the sun!

We went to the dinner at the clubhouse and it was great - parmesan crusted chicken breasts green beans almondine, twice baked potatoes, salad and strawberry cake.  The clubhouse was nicely decorated as well as the tables, all red and white.  Don gave me red roses!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Now I know why

Thank goodness, I thought it was just me.
The Door
Ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind, only to completely forget what that purpose was?

Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory lapses.

Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers what's known as an "event boundary" in the mind, separating one set of thoughts and memories from the next.

Your brain files away the thoughts you had in the previous room and prepares a blank slate for the new locale.

Thank goodness for studies like this. It's not our age, it's that stupid door!
Did I send this to you already?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pre-Valentines Day

We went to Brooksville today to shop and pre-celebrated Valentines Day.  (There is a Valentines dinner at the clubhouse on the day.)  We ate at Red Lobster and had a fine dinner including wine and dessert - I had my favorite, Key Lime pie.  Before dinner we did some shopping, I got 3 shirts on sale at Kohl's all for $23.  I saved $42.24 according the them.  Also went to Target.  We dropped off three old cell phones at Verizon who recycles them for people who may need to contact 911.

Earlier I cleaned out the vast mystery land under our bed.  (The end of our bed lifts up.)  That's where I found the cell phones and the two mystery items - one pair of my new underwear and a new, in the box blow dryer.  Oddly enough I just said earlier in the day I was going to need a new dryer as the old one didn't heat much.  I have no idea when or where I got the new dryer.

It was a hot and humid day, about time for a front to cool us off.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Usual Sunday

We went out for breakfast as usual.  Read the two Sunday newspapers as usual.  Went to the ice cream social as usual.  Had steak for dinner as usual.  We are nothing if not predictable.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Escapees Luncheon

We went to the Escapees Luncheon today in Clermont (near Orlando).  The  people attending were mostly from Sumter Oaks and lease holders like us.  Seems funny to travel all that way - 45 miles to sit with people you see every day.  After lunch we went to K-mart, bought nothing and then to Bealls Outlet where I purchased shorts while Don was in Winn Dixie grocery store getting a strawberry/rhubarb pie.  (Which is very good)

It was a warm day, rained just a little in the late afternoon and evening.

Don's cellulitis is a little better every day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Don and the red ankle

Don's ankle is doing better, still very red and swollen but not as painful.  We went to Brooksville to get the car tires balanced and rotated.  I also went to Target, CVS and Walmart beside shopping in Sam's Club where the car was worked on.  We ate lunch at Paneras always good.  Don didn't seem to be worse for ware in the evening after a big day.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Don to emergency room

Don had headaches, muscle aches and chills on Thursday afternoon and Friday.  Friday night I noticed his right ankle was red and looked closer - it was clearly cellulitis   Saturday morning we went to the emergency room in Brooksville where they confirmed it was cellulitis   They gave him an IV of antibiotics and took a scan to see that he didn't have a blood clot - he didn't.  He has a prescription for antibiotics now.  He seems to feel better today.

We have a nice cool but sunny day going!  Will probably watch some of the Super Bowl but not going to the party at the clubhouse as Don could not keep his leg elevated as the doctor suggested.