Wednesday, January 30, 2019

More cold

Don got a text right away this morning that the new tire had arrived so he went into Bushnell to have it mounted.  I stayed home to get some things done.

We had another cold night, but not as cold as it had been.  One more cold night and then it heats up, next we will have the air conditioner on!

I made waffles for dinner, good on a cold night.

It is bitterly cold in MN where for our family:

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Loosing Air

One tire on the car kept losing air pressure so we took it in to have it repaired.  Turns out we need a new tire as there is a nail in the sidewall.  Those "low profile" tires are expensive.  We had to order a tire, if we keep putting air in the one on the car we can drive short distances - for now.

I went to photo class in the afternoon, it was informative.  Maybe now my pictures will be better!

We stayed home for dinner, had pulled pork sandwiches.

Monday, January 28, 2019


It was cloudy when we got up but the sun quickly came out.  Chilly but sunny.  We had a good crowd at coffee, the woman's table covered many topics from airport experiences to remodeling houses.

We worked around the trailer and stayed home to eat leftovers.

Painting of the bandshell in Belle Fourche, SD.  My dad and brother built it for the city.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Rain Out

It started raining sometime in the night and rained all day from a sprinkle to a downpour.  We debated about going out for breakfast, I offered to make waffles.  We did go and it wasn't raining too hard when we had to be outside.  There were races at Daytona and the Pro Bowl in Orlando - it would be nasty to have to sit outside in wet 45 degree weather.  No thanks!

We hibernated with our two Sunday newspapers and took a nap.  Truly a nap kind of day.  I put a roast in the crockpot for dinner.

Three weeks until our cruise!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Dunkin and Winn

Off to Duncan Donut for a donut and coffee and then across the highway to Winn Dixie for groceries - this is where I buy meat so got a roast for tomorrow as it's forecast to be rain.  It's cool but nice out today.  We could actually sit in the sun if it weren't so windy.

We went to our favorite Mexican Food place.  First thing we noticed was how few cars in the parking lot, usually it is full.  Then we noticed the name change.  Then we noticed the prices had gone up considerably.  The food was good, about the same but the service was not great.  This place will slip to the last of places we go to eat.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Today is a good day

A nice but cool day.  At least the sun is shining.  10:00 coffee today was better, loud mouth was very quiet - makes me wonder if he wasn't clued in to stop the Trump noise.  It was already on the news that Stone had been arrested for his Trump campaign activities, so maybe the Trumpers didn't think they were so smart.

Then in the afternoon Trump caved into Nancy Polisky and ended the government shutdown without getting any concessions at all! 

We went to Brooksville in the afternoon - went to Aldi's for some groceries and Don went to Harbor Freight.  We ate at Panera for dinner.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thursday in the Park

We went to coffee today but only stayed half an hour as the Trumpies where dominating the conversation.  They are not the least bit interested in any views but their own.  We were not the only one to get up and leave.  I hope this doesn't happen often.

There was a fierce rainstorm about 5 AM today.  Lots of thunder and rain, someone had 1 1/2 inches of rain in their rain gauge.  Then the day turned sunny and in the 60's.  Some people left out their awnings, the wind took them and caused some damage.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


A nice day, bit breezy but sunny!  I spent extra time at coffee today, lots to discuss.

We sat outside most of the afternoon reading.  So nice to be outside as it has been too cold.  We went to Arby's for a couple sandwiches which we brought home to eat.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Went to McDonalds for breakfast and then to Walmart.  Seemed like we needed lots of expensive stuff.  Then to CVS for a some things.  We got home too late to go to 10 AM coffee.

It was another cool night but warmed up well today. The weather is so changeable this time of year in Florida but not near as cold as Minnesota!

Monday, January 21, 2019

Busy day (for us)

Another cold night, got down to 33 degrees, it did warm up to about 60 degrees during the day with bright sun.  Before we went to bed last night we checked the moon, it had eclipsed about 2/3 of the way.  Too cold to stay out and watch!  Saw some good pictures of it today.

We cleaned the house, did wash and still made it to 10:00 coffee!

We grilled pork chops for dinner and also had fresh corn-on-the-cob.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Cold wind

Hot yesterday, now it is cold - in the 50's with a strong wind and no sun.

We went to Waffle House for breakfast, good as always.

It was too cold to grill dinner outside so we fixed an eggplant we got at the Farmers Market.  Later talked to  our daughters.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Donuts and pizza

This morning we went to Dunkin Donuts and then to Winn Dixie for some groceries.  It got quite warm today, the weather is so changeable here in Florida in January!

We went to Monticello's Pizza for dinner.  They are our favorite pizza place!  When we left they were very busy with a waiting line.  I think they might have been short of help, it took a long time to get our pizza and then to get our bill.

Shoes for the camper!

Friday, January 18, 2019


Cold again last night but warmed up to 75 degrees today.  We went to 10 AM coffee, stayed longer than usual.

We went to Wildwood for dinner at Steak and Shake.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Cold night hot spaghetti

We survived a cold night.  It was 36 degrees when we got up this morning.   Cold for Florida!  It warmed up fast and we opened windows in the afternoon. 

We went to the clubhouse for a good spaghetti dinner with apple crisp for dessert.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Tampa and beyond

38 degrees last night.  Not cold for us northern people, but cold when one expects Florida heat.

We went to Tampa today.  Ate at Sweet Tomatoes,  a favorite place.  Then we went to Parksdale Farm for fresh fruit and vegetables.   Got a bunch of stuff for $14!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Florida cold

Breakfast at McDonalds' and then to Walmart and CVS Pharmacy.  Walmart disappointedly did not have several things I wanted, so will need to go somewhere else eventually.  Came back to the RV Park in time for 10 AM coffee.

I went to a photo class in the afternoon  at the clubhouse.

It's a cold, dark, damp day.  Was a cold night (for Florida).

Monday, January 14, 2019

Stayed at home

It was a particularly long Coffee "Hour" today.  Lots to catch up on from the weekend I guess.  That delayed my house cleaning, but got it done finally.   Stayed home and got some things done today.  Had frozen chicken keve for dinner.

Daughter in Jet

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sunday news

We now are getting two (different) Sunday newspapers so get all the news!  We had breakfast at Steak and Shake.  The have a good, interesting breakfast.  In the afternoon we went to the Ice Cream Social at the clubhouse.  Grilled smoked pork chops for dinner.


Saturday, January 12, 2019

Goodbuy to Bud

I wanted to go to a grocery store south of us which just happens to be where Dunkin Donuts is located.  So we had a donut and coffee before getting groceries.  We have a nice day going blue skies with lots of contrails.

Today was my brothers funeral which was too far away for me to attend.  My daughters however did attend.

"Swamp" by our RV park

Friday, January 11, 2019

Cold but a warming trend

Another cold night, got down to 32.  Glad we put the plants in the shed.  Nice bright blue skies today.  We got the electric blanket from Amazon so now Don can be warm at night.

For dinner we got Chinese food from a favorite place, good as usual.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Thursday in the park!

We had a cold night, didn't heat up too fast during the day.  Went to 10 AM coffee, some more of our friends were there.

When we came home I worked on getting some drawers and cupboards strengthened and found some things I was wondering what happened to them.

Don's side of the electric blanket is not working, so Amazon.

We went to the clubhouse dinner.  It was very good (new cooks) - lemon chicken, scalloped potatoes (home made), green beans and cake. 

President Carter:
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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Goodbuy Bud

Sad news today, my brother passed away.  He was in failing health and then pneumonia. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Dentist Day

Yesterday I called for dentist appointments for both of us expecting we would get some time in a month or so.  But my luck, they could see us both today.  Good news is we neither have cavities.  We celebrated by going to Dunkin Donuts for a donut and coffee.

We are appreciating the nice weather - cool nights and warm days.  We know it won't be long before air conditioner weather.  Now we have the furnace on for awhile when we get up.  Don had the propane tanks filled today, first time.  He also washed the car, it really needed the northern road salt removed even though it doesn't show so much on our light colored car.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Cleaning, coffee and hambuger

Still have to clean the house, this time the trailer.   It was dirty from moving back.  Finally got the last of the stuff put away.  Now need to clean cupboards and wash windows, eek.

We went to 10 AM coffee, a good group today.

We went into Bushnell for dinner, a place there has a Monday hamburger special.  Good thing we went early, they were already busy when we got there.

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Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sunday in Florida

We went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast.  It was a cold night - turned on the heat during the evening and again this morning.  Don took a load of jeans to the laundromat and I finished washing the rest in the trailer washer.

It finally warmed up in the afternoon.  We went to the ice cream social at the clubhouse, good to see friends that have also returned from the north.  Grilled some steak for dinner.

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Saturday, January 5, 2019

We have arrived!

We made it to our winter home in Florida about 5 PM.  The traffic in Florida was awful and lots of slow downs.  It was raining as well sometimes hard rain.  Grueling trip----

Our trailer was in good shape, no different than when we left it mid November.  We moved in what we needed for overnight, the rest will wait.  Had soup and popcorn for dinner as we didn't want to go anyplace to eat.

We were very tired and glad to get here safely. 

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We went to McDonalds for breakfast and then to Walmart and Winn Dixie for groceries - lots of groceries.  We started in earnest putting stuff away.  Some things there just aren't places for so we have to invent!  Washed a load of shirts, still lots of wash to do.  At least we can see our countertops and know where stuff we need is located.

We grilled brats for dinner, been awhile since we grilled anything!

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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Second day on the road

We left Effingham about 7 AM heading south.  Today took us smake thru Nashville, but all went well.  We got into some slow-downs and heavy traffic then rain but made it to Prattville Alabama about 4:30 PM.  Checked into our hotel as rested awhile before going out to eat at O'Charley's, where we eat whenever we are in the area.  Had good prime rib!

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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

On the road

We got on the road this morning at 7:30 for a 3 day trip to Florida.  It was -2 degrees out so took awhile for the car to warm up.  The roads were good except for a short distance in Illinois where there was freezing rain.

We got to Effingham Illinois about 5.  We got gas in the car and ate dinner at Steak and Shake then checked into our motel.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy 2019!

We stayed up until midnight (just barely) to welcome in the new year.  It was -2 degrees this morning when we went to Panera for one last bagel before we head south.  Don said pumping gas was chilling!

I worked had most of the day getting stuff packed and other stuff taken care of so all will be well in our house while we are gone.  Don spent hours on the computer but he got his chance when it came time to pack the stuff in the car that freezing temperatures won't hurt.  Ready to put in last minute stuff early tomorrow and hit the road.

Image may contain: text that says 'Beauty of Life 7 PRAYERS for 2019 May your Health improve. May your Finances Multiply. May your worries Disappear. May your pain Be Less. May your plans works. May you Live Long. May 2019 bring Healings, Blessings and Miracles. Amen! fb/beautyoflifee'