Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day

Memorial Day today.  In my childhood it was a time to honor all the deceased but now it seems to be a day to honor the fallen military.  Our family would go to Hulett, WY for a family picnic at my Aunt's house.  In the afternoon the kids would find someone to drive them to Devil's Tower so we could walk around it which also involved climbing on the rocks.   On the way to Hulett we would stop at a two cemeteries and put flowers picked from our homes on the graves of relatives.  It was a good day of old memories and making new ones!

Today Memorial Day seems to mean a day off work to camp, boat, etc.  I see all sorts of flowers and plants at a nearby cemetery.  I hate the artificial ones - I would rather have one dandelion than a bunch of plastic flowers!  A friend has told me that at the National Cemetery people steal plants from the graves - I hope karma finds them.

It is another hot day, no rain.  Can't remember a nicer Memorial Day weekend.  We have been rained out of campgrounds more than once on this weekend.

We got together with our daughters in the evening.

  Arlington National Cemetery, Washington Dc, Veterans

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